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Through multiple artistic disciplines taught by professional artists, Arts For All serves approximately 5,000 children a year who have little means or opportunity to explore the arts.

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Help us provide arts programming to approximately 5,000 children who face socio-economic, physical or emotional barriers to exploring the arts by making a 100% tax-deductible donation today!

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Show your support of Arts For All by purchasing shirts, sweatshirts, onesies, coffee mugs
and more proudly featuring our logo!

Welcome to Arts For All

Arts For All offers accessible artistic opportunities to children in the New York City area who face socio-economic, physical, or emotional barriers to exploring the arts. Through Arts For All, professional artists work with youth organizations to build self-confidence, self-expression, teamwork, resilience, and creativity in children.

How You Can Help

Thanks to the support of donors/volunteers like you, we’re able to bring our creative arts workshops to over 5,000 in-need NYC kids every year!

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TEAMWORK (noun): Work done by a group acting together so that each member does a part that contributes to the efficiency of the whole.

Have you started any group projects at school that requires TEAMWORK?

In this video, Leah explains the importance of TEAMWORK and reads along to "Teamwork Isn't My Thing, And I Don't Like to Share" by Julia Cook, illustrated by Kelsey De Weerd.

This video series incorporates Spanish vocabulary to assist young English Language Learners (ELL) as well as English speaking youth looking to learn Spanish.

En este video, Leah explica la importancia del Trabajo en Equipo y lee <<Teamwork Isn't My Thing, And I Don't Like to Share>> de Julia Cook, ilustrado por Kelsey De Weerd.

Esta serie de videos incorpora vocabulario en español para ayudar a lxs jóvenes estudiantes de inglés (ELL) y también a lxs jóvenes que ya hablan inglés y que quieran aprender español.

This Artistic Residency Program Series features Arts For All Teaching Artist Leah Young highlighting AFA's 5 Core Values: Self-Confidence, Self-Expression, Teamwork, Resilience, and Creativity.

Esta serie de Programas de Residencia Artística presenta a la Artista Docente de Arts For All, Leah Young, destacando los 5 Valores Fundamentales de AFA: Autoconfianza, Autoexpresión, Trabajo en Equipo, Resiliencia y Creatividad.

#artsforallnyc #motivationalmonday #backtoschool #art #education #selfconfidence #selfexpression #teamwork #resilience #creativity
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It's Fun Craft Friday! How was your 1st full week back to school? Did you give your teacher an 🍎? Today's craft shows you how to create an apple core out of a popsicle stick, foam craft paper & mini-pompoms!

We want to see your Foam Paper Apple Cores! Send photos of your artwork through our Contact Page:

#artsforallnyc #funcraftfriday #education #art #crafts #backtoschool #apple #selfconfidence #selfexpression #teamwork #resilience #creativity
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Its Fun Craft Friday! How was your 1st full week back to school? Did you give your teacher an 🍎? Todays craft shows you how to create an apple core out of a popsicle stick, foam craft paper & mini-pompoms! 

We want to see your Foam Paper Apple Cores! Send photos of your artwork through our Contact Page:  

#artsforallnyc #funcraftfriday #education #art #crafts #backtoschool #apple #selfconfidence #selfexpression #teamwork #resilience #creativityImage attachment

Thanks to the support of all our benefactors!